Mediation Can Keep Your Divorce From Spiraling Out Of Control
Many couples who face divorce initiate the process with sincere intentions of treating each other with respect, minimizing the emotional carnage (particularly for young children) and containing costs. Somewhere along the line, these good intentions are often lost as the two parties are swallowed up by contentious disagreements that spur hard feelings.
Working with a trained mediator can help keep the original plan of collaborating and compromising in order to allow both parties to carry on with their lives intact. Family law attorney Jill Jackoboice of Jackoboice Law Firm serves as a neutral third-party mediator for divorcing couples in Missouri and Kansas.
There are certain circumstances in Missouri and Kansas in which mediation is required in divorces. Call 816-751-0570 for more information about mandatory mediation.
A Knowledgeable Lawyer With Mediation Training
Jill brings her 20-plus years of legal experience and her thorough knowledge of the family law statutes in both states to her mediation work. In addition, she has completed mediation and collaborative law training from Forrest “Woody” Mosten, a nationally recognized certified family law specialist based in California.
In mediation, Jill works with both parties in a divorce — either with or without their attorneys present. She will provide legal information to participants in these sessions, but she cannot provide legal counsel. In other words, she can explain how the divorce process works and what factors the court will consider if it is asked to rule on certain issues. Ultimately, she works to facilitate conversation between the two parties and foster a cooperative spirit that allows them to resolve disputes without litigating. A couple may resolve their disputes in one session or schedule additional sessions.
We Are Noted For Developing Creative Solutions
If necessary, Jill can refer the parties to specialists such as real estate valuation experts, child psychologists or others who can provide the kind of trained insights that may allow disputing parties to negotiate an agreement.
In her own practice, Jill is noted for developing creative solutions to seemingly unsolvable disagreements. The Best Lawyers in America has repeatedly included Jill on its list of the best family law attorneys, and she is a past recipient of the Congenial Counselor Award presented by the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association.
Start Resolving Your Disputes Today
Don’t wait until your divorce is mired in bitter feelings and an uncooperative spirit. We will help you keep solutions top of mind so you can move forward with your life. Call 816-751-0570 or use our online contact form to schedule a meeting.